The more conversations that I have with school districts, the more this subject comes up. Everyone is dealing with Cyber Security related issues. They are having to write policies if they don’t have them and implement them once they do. This primarily involves staff and forcing two-factor authentication (2FA) for everything that may contain sensitive information.
Thankfully, more and more people in charge of technology at K12 schools are starting to ask themselves. If we are teaching our staff how to be better digital citizens by securing their online accounts better, why aren’t we teaching our students better? For many districts, but certainly not all, we are actually teaching students BAD behavior. We are setting passwords based on a pattern that everyone knows and not allowing them to change it.
I understand from a practical standpoint that there are benefits to being able to login as a particular student to troubleshoot a reported problem with that student’s account. I think that the value of this is trumped by the negatives that come from this practice.
A solution from Student Provisioning Services
If these challenges resonate with you and you want to explore a solution that addresses all of them, please reach out and find out how we make this simple and easy for you, teachers and students.