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Now is the Time to Automate your AD/e-directory with Over $13 Billion in Emergency Coronavirus Relief to Support K-12 Students

There has never been a better time to automate your student provisioning services AD/e-directory. This service is a critical piece of your local and distance learning outcomes. 

According to the US Department of Education, "This national emergency continues to shine a light on the need for all schools to be more agile," said Secretary DeVos. "Now is the time to truly rethink education and to get creative about how we meet each student's unique needs. The funding made available today has very few bureaucratic strings attached and empowers local education leaders to do just that. I encourage them to focus on investing in the technology, distance learning resources, training, and long-term planning that will help education continue for both teachers and students, no matter where learning takes place."

Funds can be used for purchasing educational technology (including hardware, software, and connectivity) for students who are served by the local school district that aids in regular and substantive educational interaction between students and their classroom instructors, including low-income students and students with disabilities, which may include assistive technology or adaptive equipment.

SPS completely automates the creation and maintenance of student accounts in your Active Directory or e-Directory to save you time and help ensure accuracy. Most districts then have their local directory synchronized with Google Apps for Education or G-Suite so they are immediately created in Google as well. This provides the foundation for your local and distance learning. 

Included in our service:

  1. Accounts created in AD/eDir and Google as frequently as we can get fresh data. This is typically at least 3 times per day.
  2. Automated groups based on grade and building that can be synced to Google as email distribution lists.
  3. Automatically disable accounts for students that are no longer enrolled and organize accounts by the year a student left the district to simplify and align with your student data retention policy.
  4. Automatically restore accounts for students that leave the district and return later.
  5. Automatically apply the district's naming standard to all students and handle tie-breakers if necessary.
  6. The capability to customize the initial password used when creating accounts.
  7. A portal for teachers/staff to reset a student’s password back to a known good password without any involvement from the Technology department staff.

Are you looking forward to a pristine directory in AD and Google that always matches your SIS?  We can help. To learn more visit our FAQ page or click here to schedule a time to talk. 

Read our Case Study: Illinois School District Modernizes Data Management with Student Provisioning Services after going 1:1

The Esser funds can be used to help schools transition to remote learning and help fill the gap in the digital divide. As the COVID-19 coronavirus continues to spread, schools around the globe are shifting to online learning in an effort to slow the spread of the disease. ISTE strongly recommends that all schools have a digital learning plan and tools in place to enable a quick pivot to remote learning if needed. 

The Department of Ed implemented a streamlined process for states to apply for and receive this critical funding by cutting red tape and removing unnecessary delays. SEAs have until July 1, 2020, to apply for ESSER funds by submitting a simple signed Certification and Agreement form to ESSERF@ed.gov. The Department intends to process each submitted form within three business days of receipt. For more information, click here. EdTech Departments should consult with their Treasurer and check with your State Education Department for more information on obtaining these funds. 

Click here for additional Crisis resources for K-12 Schools 

A closer look at CARES Act funding requirements for K-12 (Ohio)


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