District Profile
Mahomet-Seymour Community Unit School District No. 3 is a highly rated, public school district located in Mahomet, IL. It has 3,053 students in grades PK, K-12 across 5 campuses.
Prior to implementing Student Provisioning Services (SPS) Mahomet-Seymour Community School District was managing student account creation, deletion, grade level promotion, and suspension manually. Accounts were not being created with a standard format which caused many problems. They often forgot to deactivate student accounts upon graduation or other exit events. Staff did not know who to reach out to for account creation because several people “took care” of it. Staff and students were very frustrated with the time it took to get changes through the system, impacting learning time in and out of the classroom, wasting precious time and man hours that should have been focused elsewhere.
According to Jared Lynn, Mahomet-Seymour Community Schools Director of Technology, Mahomet-Seymour’s IT Department tried to come up with their own solution over several years, but never really made any progress. “We decided to look into automation after implementing 1:1 in grades 6-12 for over 2000 students and none of the student accounts had a standard format for their account.”
“We chose SPS for the price and the fact that they provided the entire solution without having to piece it together by ourselves,” said Lynn. “They made it extremely easy to get it implemented and all accounts are just done for us, completely eliminating waiting for the human element and the margin for error. Now, the student account automatically moves between grade levels. All of this was being done manually by me or my staff. Now, we do not have to even think about it,” according to Lynn.
The impact on staff and students has been profound. Jared Lynn reports that “When a new student enrolls, no longer does it take days for the account to be created (if my staff even knows a new student is enrolled). Instead, it’s done within hours of the student is enrolled. Now, the account is ready to go for them on their very first day of class.”
The Bonus
One more feature that has made a real day to day difference in their learning community is the Password Reset Portal. Jared Lynn said, “If a student or staff member forgets their password, no longer do they have to email support. Instead, they can go to the password portal themselves and reset the password. This saves the student from missing out a lesson because they don’t know their password.” Teachers and staff are no longer wasting learning time chasing down password resets.
“Implementing the solution from SPS has saved thousands of hours and headaches. In the past, it would take weeks to get set up at the beginning of the school year and it was difficult to keep up with changes such as deletions, suspensions, or new students,” said Lynn. “It eliminated time wasted and frustration caused by lack of manpower and having to retroactively go back and fix things that we're forgotten about or slipped through the cracks before. SPS was able to implement the whole solution at once, affordably and efficiently, for Mahomet-Seymour Schools.
Looking to take the hassle out of Student Provisioning?

About Student Provisioning Services (SPS)
Student Provisioning Services, a division of Franklin Computer Services Group, works with K12 districts of all sizes to implement a customized, fully automated student account management system which allows you to focus on your mission and your students. We understand the data challenges that schools and software developers face. Our product makes student accounts easy to manage. Our solution is scalable, allowing it to grow along with your district. The SPS solution can be partnered with other applications to expand data management to other areas within school districts such as libraries, transportation, food service, and data storage.